Tuesday, October 25, 2005

My Hope

Pain runs wildly
It's power broken
Pieces fall away as it shatters
All at the sound of Your name

Darkness is left with no stronghold
The light shines into every crevice
Wounds once hidden are now visible
Healing begins with their exposure

Turmoil ceases and peace sets in
Anguish is left with no handhold
It scratches and claws to no avail
As it falls to the place it belongs

Monday, October 10, 2005

Devil Child

The offspring of relationships
Exhilarating, exciting, invigorating
The complaints and arguing feed you
You feast at the edge of a breakup
It's the only place you feel alive

Inspired by evevesdropping

Controlled by desire for companionship
Restricted by social norms
But at least it makes for good conversation

You despair at the old maid card you hold
And though age has not yet touched you
You are qualified to voice advice to other children

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Plucking it from the scene
Placing it on the flat surface
Adding pressure and waiting
As it dries some color fades
While time passes, the shape is distorted
What once had depth becomes flat
But what once would have vanished now remains
Even if only as a shadow of what was