Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I'm fairly certain that all my failures as a human are the result of me not believing God is everything He said He is.

Friday, September 23, 2005


I want to look away
I want to go to you
Yet here behind this glass I am stranded
I try hard not to play the creep
You didn’t reject me right out
But your reaction was far from an embrace
I can’t ignore you any more than I could stop signs
So shielded from your vision, I pace
Frustrated by the undefined nature of our relationship
Saddened by the power it has on me

I placed it...

I placed it at your feet and you cried
It wasn’t what you wanted
They were loving tears of disappointment
“But it took me years to make it” I replied
You responded, “Exactly”

Strange Forest

I live in a strange forest
One where chestnut sometimes smells of cedar
And where pink blossoms are often found lingering on dead trees

Deaf and Blind

CD player

Eye shadow
Eyes downcast


In a rush to read a proverb
The fortune is torn
The promise broken
The wisdom cancelled

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I am church staff!

Just an update on me. More poetry to come soon.