This quote is from a creative nonfiction book about St. Fancis of Assisi. It is Francis' response to arguments that the monks in his order should be schooled in order to better defend their faith.
"Defend the faith? What for? Faith will defend itself as long as its followers are worthy of it."
Thoughts anyone?
"Defend the faith? What for? Faith will defend itself as long as its followers are worthy of it."
Thoughts anyone?
This kind of comment is one that resonates with me. Apologetics aren't that exciting to me (it seems they are only exciting to fellow Christians).
I think that the faith will defend itself as it is lived out in all of its mystery and fascination. You can't prove miracles and signficant life change...but these are things that will draw others in to the very same faith.
We often forget that the Gospel WILL upset a lot of people, and society in general. Jesus made that pretty clear. Good quote, Matt.
Thanks for your inputs guys. I've really been getting board with apologetics recently. I used to love debating theology, learing new and different ways of thinking, but now I'd rather spend that time sharing Christs love. I posted the quote because of the undertones of the un-educated being worthy vessels for evangelism. Personally I have sometimes get so caught up in the head knowledge that I forget to go and be a light in the world. Don't think - do.
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